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Who am I?  That is a long and complicated question but I will do my best to answer it in the coming weeks.


Me and Connie

Check out the hat!

This picture shows Connie and me at the corner mailbox.  We lived one  house away from this corner of 12th and Kansas in Springfield, Illinois.  My guess is that it was Easter and Mom was taking this photo with her Brownie box camera.  We squinted a lot in Mom's pictures because she always had the bright son behind her back and shining in our eyes.   Cool

Things that make me smile !! Smile

Sunsets, puppies, cool breezes, rainbows, day trips, hot tubs, friends, greeting cards, friendly faces, severance pay, old photos, first little green tomatoes on my patio plants, baby squirrels playing, dogs playing at new dog park, baby giggles, voices from the past, e-mails from college buddies, reminiscing with old friends, chatting with young folks....